Energy Management is so-called “trending” across commercial businesses. If you haven’t already, look into energy management strategies for your properties as EMS provides our customers with the equipment and tools to recover savings from utility expenses!
According to the EPA, commercial businesses account for 35% of U.S. electricity usage which is 8% more than the industrial and manufacturing industry. More businesses will adopt an energy management strategy or solution, making energy management a common trend in 2018.
As property managers and owners know, energy use is known to have an impact on the cost of operations, therefore, a strong energy management strategy can make a difference in the success of a business. Utilities have offered large energy users better incentives to curtail electricity use during periods of peak electricity demand so users can optimize their energy use to their benefit.
According to Forbes, There are 5 reasons why commercial businesses are actively implementing energy management plans:
To learn more about energy management trends – click here!
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Energy Management Systems. Inc.