Here at EMS, we praise our meter readers and service professionals for being out in the field; whether reading meters, installing meters, or having to call on a customer.  Our EMS field professionals travel throughout the U.S. to provide customers with an accurate meter reading or to fix faulty equipment. Although our EMS meter readers and service professionals have endured some harsh weather conditions; whether rain, shine or snow they continue to keep a positive attitude no matter what.

Sometimes while out in the field our meter readers and field professionals tend to encounter and share with us some interesting situations. For instance, this month in Florida, our plumbers while on-site at a property noticed a pipe that fed a jammed meter was making a tinkling sound when the water was running. These EMS plumbers flushed out the line prior to replacing the meter and found a bunch of rocks and a piece of a rubber hose.

The expertise that our meter readers and service professionals have is unmatched, as EMS continues to bring more than 39 years of meter experience. There’s a reason our EMS professionals are known as the “meter experts” in the industry.

Interested in EMS? We have a full staff of trained, experienced meter readers and service professionals available to assist you with installations, meter readings, and repairs.

Visit our website to learn more:

Contact us: 1-800-965-9642

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